“Many people who work at home do not understand the importance of a schedule. A work at home schedule is basically a way for a person to keep on task and get their work done in a timely and proper manner. Work at home jobs offer a lot of independence and with that come a need for responsibility. To help ensure that a work at home job is successful, a schedule is important.” Read full article
Organizing your work is one of the most important aspects of video chat activity. Your online presence is crucial if you are planning to maximize your revenues and then to keep it at the same level. Treat your activity like a real job, create a working schedule and follow it. Generally speaking is recommended to be online at least 6-7 hours a day / 5 days a week, of course you can work more or less depending on your goals or personal situation.
Keep in mind that when we say 6-7 hours a day we talk about the time spent online, there are many models thinking they worked 8 hours for example but actually they were online just 5 hours, the rest of time being spent with breaks, software refreshes and so on.
Don’t change your schedule very often, for example if you choose to work from Monday to Saturday in a specific time interval, follow it for at least 2-3 weeks. Generally speaking most of the customers are visiting Xlovecam at similar hours, so if you keep the same schedule for few weeks you have more chances to be noticed. There are visitors/customers that enjoy watching a model in free area, trying to know her better, before deciding to join her private show; this could take up to a week or two in some cases. Obviously if you work chaotic, with many interruptions, changing time frame every few days, your chances to get noticed by customers are decreasing a lot.
When testing a different schedule, to find out if is working for you, don’t try it for 1 day and say “That time frame is not good for me” because you’re wrong… remember what we just said earlier – (follow it at least for 2-3 weeks) – is impossible to get an objective impression after 1 day test. Virtually any time frame could work for a model because there is traffic on Xlovecam at any moment of the day; being organized is the trick to maximize your revenues no matter what time frame you’re choosing.
For models following same schedule for longer periods of time (3 months or more) it could be a good idea to change it for a while (lets say for 1 month or so), there are many visitors/customers that never had the chance to meet you as they go online at different hours. Don’t worry about your regular customers during this time, let them know about your change, some of them will follow you, some others will miss you, but when you return to the previous schedule they’ll be very happy to have you back.
Work on weekends whenever is possible, Saturday and Sunday are very good days for high revenues. Most of the visitors/customers are spending more time on Xlovecam during the weekends (because free days) so there are more chances for you to be noticed. Not at the last don’t forget to update your working schedule option from your Xlovecam bio page, so that visitors/customers to know when they can find you online.