Attention: Using such equipment require medium to advanced technical SKILLS, if you are a beginner and you can’t find a person with experience that can help you, it might be better not to complicate yourself, use an HD Webcam or learn/research more before jumping into spending a lot of money with pro equipment, to avoid […]
Author: xlovewiki
Connecting your OLD CamCorder (hi-8, minidv etc) with capture card or tv tuner
Keep in mind that Firewire connection gets the best quality possible out of your old camcorder, using a tv tuner or capture card will have less quality, also require more technical skills to setup it properly, but use less CPU, because you can capture the image directly from capture card with smaller resolutions like 320×240, […]
How to get the most of your OLD CAMCORDER (mini-dv, hi-8 etc) – non HD Camcorders
To get the best quality out of your video camera you have to connect it via Firewire. In the previous version of the Xguide we said that Firewire is not recommended, this was because it require more cpu usage and there weren’t any good options to adjust colors properly. In present if you have a […]
Recommended settings procedure for all Logitech HD Webcams
This recommended procedure for adjusting your webcam settings is valid for all Logitech HD Webcams using latest Logitech Software. Same principles described here will apply also to other webcams from different manufacturers, only that the software and options names will be different. EVERYTHING STARTS WITH HAVING PROPER LIGHTING CONDITIONS. WITHOUT ENOUGHT LIGHT YOUR WEBCAM WON’T […]
Top 10 HD Webcams 2012-2017
Here you can find reviews about TOP HD webcams of 2015
About HD Webcams, info, products, top choices
HD WEBCAMS We said in the past that an Webcam can’t compete with a camcorder connected via analog capture card or analog tv tunner, well that was true for the past, but with the latest HD Webcams from Logitech, the situation changes a bit. An older camcorder (not HD camcorder) it has maximum resolution around […]
About the QUALITY of live feed (video stream)
A clear crystal image and a fast video stream are the elements that compose a high quality live feed. As you probably noticed we place models providing High Quality video in the top of Xlovecam online models list (for High Quality sorting method). If you want more customers in your private area, you should definitively […]
About working on multiple sites
As you may know we don’t ask for exclusivity on Xlovecam, you can work on as many cam sites you want (but preferably not in the same time). According to Xlovecam statistics, models with the best results are those working exclusively on Xlovecam, followed closely by models streaming few hours only on Xlovecam and then […]
Using the latest model software – “SOFT NEW” to broadcast with HIGH QUALITY
Important Note: High Quality means resolutions between 640×480 and less than 1280×720, everything that is in this range is High Quality, every resolution higher than 1280×720 (including 1280×720) is HD resolution. So, for example, 640×480 and 800×600 are HIGH QUALITY (not HD), some popular cam sites use the term HD for 800×600, but this is […]