After you buy the HD Camcorder, put it in HD Mode (not standard mode), go to Hdmi Output settings and make sure that you choose 720p (on some cameras the option is displayed fully like 1280×720, on other models might appear along with other sizes, for example like this: 480p/720p), connect the camera with the HDMI cable on the HDMI port of your HD Capture Card (check on capture card to be sure you connect it to the HDMI, not analog – some capture cards have 2 hdmi ports, one is for Analog RCA or Svideo the other is for HD Hdmi connection). Now we end up in the PC with a resolution of 1280×720 16:9 format, we need to transform this image into a 4:3 one, 640×480 or 800×600 (standard high quality resolutions of major cam sites for the time when this text was written – February 2013). To transform the image, Webcamsplitter, Webcamsplitter Pro or XloveSplitter can be used, other splitting software might work as well like e2eSoft Vcam, you can test several popular splitter software and see which does the best job for you. It’s important that the software to be able to manipulate the video that comes from capture card and to be able to send it further to the cam site to a different size/format, and Webcamsplitter has these options (also e2eSoft Vcam). So you load your HD Capture Card device in the Webcamsplitter, you setup a resolution of 1280×720, after that you right click on Webcamsplitter icon, and press on Options, a window with settings will appear, go to Output resolution and press on Customize button, in the list of resolutions select 640×480 and 800×600, you can deselect the rest of resolutions. These settings means that the Webcamsplitter will take image from capture card at 1280×720 and it will send it further at reduced size and different format at 640×480 or 800×600. Now if the image is distorted on the cam site, from the same Options page of Webcamsplitter you select Crop, and the software will cut the image margins, to transform it from wide to normal 4:3 format, this way your image will no longer be distorted.