Many models have the wrong belief that the cam site doesn’t care too much about their opinions. Some other models/studios are simply afraid or shy to send the feedback. We don’t know about other cam sites, but here on Xlovecam we strive as much as we can to review and take in consideration each of your opinion, ideas, criticism. Also it doesn’t matter if your feedback is negative or positive, both can be helpful for us, however keep in mind that is impossible to satisfy everyone, for sure a feature or another will be welcomed by some and disliked by others, is normal. What is more important to know, is that we work everyday to improve Xlovecam system, so your feedback has a good chance to make a difference, if not immediate for sure in the future.
Next time when you have something on your mind, don’t hesitate and share your thoughts with us. Use email when you have many ideas, because is easier for us to handle and keep tracking/history of all feedback that is received.